A number of relatives who died of coronavirus at just one care home have contacted Rachael Maskell MP and raised concerns over the way they and their loved ones were treated during Covid-19.
Their grievances included poor communications by the home with families, a lack of PPE for staff and a lack of support for residents. Relatives have claimed that communication from the home has been almost non-existent and family have not been kept accurately informed about the condition of their relative.
Rachael Maskell said “To lose a loved one at any time is deeply distressing, however we are faced with heightened challenging times, which makes the loss of a loved one so much harder. Due to the restrictions that have needed to be put into place around visiting, this has placed greater distress and worry on families as they have not been able to visit.
We all know that once Covid-19 enters a care home, unless scrupulous hygiene and PPE regimes are followed, with the level of contagion and the vulnerability that people have due to their frailty or underlying health conditions, coronavirus can spread rapidly. In York, sadly half of those who have died have been in care.
I want care homes to be the safest places that people can be in, and that is why it has been so shocking to hear story after story where this has not been the case. From the inquires that I have carried out, I am calling for far better standards in care. I want every resident of a care home to receive the very highest standards of protection, safety, dignity and care, and will be working across Parliament to achieve this.”
To read the full article from York Press: