I believe that the UK should take a lead in contributing to a comprehensive dispersal strategy across Europe and beyond to safeguard the most vulnerable people seeking asylum. I am asking the Speaker for an urgent Parliamentary debate, so that we can focus our time on fully debating and responding to the current crisis, I have also written to David Cameron to ask that the government will look seriously at taking refugees into Britain, we should lead by example as we cannot sit on our hands, people are crying out for their lives.
As a ‘City of Sanctuary’ many of my constituents have written to me about the humanitarian crisis on our doorstep and to ask that the UK contributes to providing sanctuary at this time.
It is hard to comprehend, as we live out our ordinary lives, the fear of being raped or murdered at any time. It is difficult to understand how families who just want to get on with their lives have been stopped in their tracks by atrocities committed by the most violent people on this planet.
As a country we cannot stand by and watch our neighbours from places like Syria and Northern Iraq drown as they desperately seek a place of sanctuary. Since 2011 more than 2,000 Syrians have drowned in the Mediterranean trying to find safety.
If every nation takes their share of refugees and we contribute as part of a collective society, we need not fear what this means for our small community, but can be proud that when the cries of help were made, we were there to answer their call.
No matter what personal views on immigration are held, now is the time we should be asking a far deeper question, what would I do if it were my husband going to be shot or my daughters going to be raped? I would flee for my life and I would want somebody to reach out for me. I agree with my constituents that we can no longer stand by and watch. It is time to act.