York Central MP, Rachael Maskell reports that she has opened 2068 cases on behalf of residents in York since the beginning of March 2020, a 335% increase on the previous two months. Since the ‘Lockdown’ she has also held 280 meetings, with half of these being surgery appointments with constituents, in addition to her work as a Shadow Minister.
There has been a wide range of issues raised with her including workplace safety, access to food, the financial packages put forward, in particular individuals not being able to access these, and Universal Benefit. She has also picked up issues about health and care and access to funerals. As residents lives have been dramatically, and for some traumatically, changed in every way imaginable, she has made representation over these issues and many more on behalf of each constituent to the appropriate place. Initially there was also a lot of local residents who were stranded overseas, but working through the formal channels, all those who were in contact have either returned safely or decided to remain under consular support.
During this time, Rachael has held many discussions with Ministers, services and agencies in York, as well as charities and businesses across the city. Where there have been problems or gaps in the protection schemes, she has worked with them to identify the support needed now and in the future, included setting out alternative proposals to Government where gaps in their COVID19 packages have occurred..
In the course of her work, Ms. Maskell has also learn about the incredible acts of kindness and community generosity and support that have been put in place to help people in their time of need.
“Residents, businesses and services across York have had their lives turned upside down over the last few weeks as we have all been effected by this Coronavirus pandemic. This has been particularly difficult as people try to protect their health and finances.
“ This week I will have served as the MP for York Central for 5 years, and there has never been a time when I have witnessed such acute need for support across every aspect of life in the city, and we have certainly had our challenges with austerity and flooding. Without more comprehensive and on-going support packages, people will struggle through the coming weeks and months. This is why I have worked on each case to find solutions and propose these to the Government, Council and other agencies.
“I want to thank everyone across York who are working so hard and volunteering to support people as we work through this crisis together. Even people who are just staying home are playing their part in keeping our community safe.”
To read the full article on the York Press Website, click on the link below: